

“Just when we think we’ve found our footing,
the universe sends a soulnami our way,
reminding us that we are always lost at sea.
Love is both our life preserver,
And our sinking ship.
It is an oceanic mystery,
One that gives up its secrets
One drop at a time.”
From Jeff Brown’s An Uncommon Bond

To dare open your heart is an invitation for a soulnami. So for love, the elusive, the ever present, the thing we run to and away from, the thing we both cling to and shove away. The thing that makes the world go ’round and upside-down, to be lost at sea with all its secrets. It can no more be understood than the sea itself. It can only be experienced. We can ride the wave or be swallowed up by it. Swim the deep or remain snuggled safely on board our little boat. Or so we think.
But one thing is certain amidst all the uncertainty, and that is – Without love, everything ceases to exist. The great quest is to know it, yet just when you think you know it, you realize how very little you know. The soulnami ensues. Perhaps experiencing love’s full measure all at once would be too immense
for our human bodies to hold, not to mention our hearts. It may well be one of the Creator¹s mightiest gifts of benevolence that its lessons are offered one drop at a time.
For in order to know it fully, you must also experience its’ opposite. Curiously, its opposite feels somehow safer. Because to love is to feel and feeling love is both exhilarating and excruciating. It contains within it the essence of all that is. All that is both true and not true. It’s as if the ocean itself really is the un-shed tears of humanity, a liquid body of life force holding all that we are. Pain and pleasure. Bliss and despair. Turbulence and calm. Our resistance does not result in resilience.
It is only in surrendering to its force that we invite more of the very thing we are made of to live and breathe inside our very souls. So then, one drop at a time. And then another. I surrender all.